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  • Viel wichtiger sind für unsere Betrachtungen diejenigen Vorgänge universaler Beziehungen, in denen es gelingt, tatsächliche starke Einflüsse einer bestimmten menschlichen Gemeinschaft einer anderen innerhalb ihres menschlich verlaufenden Entwicklungsprozesses als in ständiger Entwicklung fortdauernd einzuimpfen.[...]

  • The world has just passed through an agony of pain compared to which the French Revolution was a mere incident. The shock has been so great that it has killed the last spark of hope in the breasts of million of men. They were chanting a hymn of progress, and four years of slaughter followed their prayers for peace. “Is it worth while,” so they ask, “to work and slave for the benefit of creatures who have not yet passed beyond the stage of the earliest cave men?” [...]