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  • The undersigned writers, comprising amongst them men and women of the most divergent political and social views, some of them having been for years ardent champions of good will towards Germany, and many of the extreme advocates of peace, are nevertheless agreed that Great Britain could not without dishonour have refused to take part in the present war. [...]

  • Viel wichtiger sind für unsere Betrachtungen diejenigen Vorgänge universaler Beziehungen, in denen es gelingt, tatsächliche starke Einflüsse einer bestimmten menschlichen Gemeinschaft einer anderen innerhalb ihres menschlich verlaufenden Entwicklungsprozesses als in ständiger Entwicklung fortdauernd einzuimpfen.[...]

  • ''What I envy you is your liberty," observed M. de Bellegarde, „your wide range, your freedom to come and go, your not having a lot of people, who take themselves awfully seriously, expecting something of you. I live," he added with a sigh, „beneath the eyes of my admirable mother." [...]