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  • von Jan Carsten Schnurr

    Am 16. Juli 1974 stand der amerikanische Baptisten-Pastor und Evangelist Billy Graham (1918–2018) vor knapp zweieinhalbtausend Delegierten und über tausend weiteren Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörern aus 150 Ländern und hielt die am aufwändigsten vorbereitete Rede seines Lebens. Es handelte sich um den Eröffnungsvortrag des Internationalen Kongresses für Weltevangelisation im schweizerischen Lausanne. „Why Lausanne?“ hieß Grahams Vortrag.

  • von Anna Karla

    Im September 1919 reiste eine Delegation im Auftrag der deutschen Regierung durch den Nordosten Frankreichs. Ziel der Reise war es, sich ein Bild zu machen: davon, wie es ein knappes Jahr nach dem Waffenstillstand zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und den Staaten der Entente um die Gebiete an der ehemaligen Westfront bestellt war; davon, welches Ausmaß der Zerstörungen sich in der Region nördlich und östlich der französischen Hauptstadt bot; davon, was zu tun sei, um den Wiederaufbau voranzutreiben, der auf der Friedenskonferenz in Versailles, in der französischen Presse und in der lokalen, regionalen und nationalen Politik als drängendes Problem gehandelt wurde. [...]

  • von Eli Rubin

    The "Athens Charter" was a manifesto written mostly by the Swiss architect and urban planner Le Corbusier, summarizing the Fourth Congress of the International Congress of Modern Architects (CIAM), which took place in 1932 mostly aboard a passenger boat which steamed from Marseilles, France, to Athens, Greece, and back again. It was first published in France at the height of the German occupation and the Vichy government in 1943. It was essentially a condensed version of the core ideas and principles of modern architecture and urban planning, which called for a total remaking of cities in the industrial world, to make them more efficient, rational, and hygienic. Though Corbusier and the CIAM were not the first or only people to call for such total remaking of the urban environment, the Athens Charter became widely circulated after the war, especially among European governments looking to rebuild devastated cities and house millions of homeless citizens.

  • von Jay Winter

    The General Assembly of the United Nations approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. This document reflected a very widely shared sense of revulsion at the crimes committed by the Hitler state in its period in power from 1933-45. Without the Second World War, this document would never have been drafted, let alone approved by communist and non-communist countries alike. This non-binding statement of principles set in motion other measures which established legal sanctions for human rights violations by states. Regional conventions on human rights were signed in Europe, Latin America and Africa. In 1966, the United Nations agreed two covenants on human rights, one on social and economic rights and a second on civil and political rights. Ten years later these came into force as instruments of international law. [...]