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  • von Belinda Davis

    The image below represents a flyer put out by the Evangelische Studenten-Gemeinden Westberlin (ESG), calling for viewers to stand up for peace, by attending a demonstration to be held on the occasion of US-American President Ronald Reagan’s visit to West Berlin, in June 1982. The specific concern is to prevent the stationing of new nuclear weapons across Europe, in the Cold War West and East. Europeans are implicitly represented in the person of a female protester who, though in dress and heels, demonstrates sufficient strength to kick away an unwanted nuclear rocket. [...]

  • von Desanka Schwara

    Am 1. Juli 1816 schrieb Sir Thomas Maitland einen harschen Brief an Mr. Richard Oglander, den Konsul Großbritanniens in Tunis. Maitland, mit Sitz in Valletta (Malta), zeichnete für die Kommunikation und Durchsetzung britischer Interessen im ganzen Mittelmeerraum verantwortlich. Der scharfe Ton an die Adresse Oglanders galt dessen unangemessenem Benehmen gegenüber nordafrikanischen Würdenträgern. [...]

  • von Belinda Davis

    The image below represents a flyer put out by the Evangelische Studenten-Gemeinden Westberlin (ESG), calling for viewers to stand up for peace, by attending a demonstration to be held on the occasion of American President Ronald Reagan’s visit to West Berlin, in June 1982. The specific concern is to prevent the stationing of new nuclear weapons across Europe, in the Cold War West and East. Europeans are implicitly represented in the person of a female protester who, though in dress and heels, demonstrates sufficient strength to kick away an unwanted nuclear rocket. The message seems forthright and quite simple. But as an exemplar of the era’s iconography, the flyer would have communicated a range of meanings and associations. One of thousands of such images and associated texts in West Germany/West Berlin alone, the flyer was part of a popular political movement across NATO-allied Europe, protesting NATO’s new “double-track” strategy of rearmament alongside continued détente. [...]