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  • von Riccardo Bavaj

    “The West” was in crisis – yet again. And Richard Löwenthal was deeply worried. The socio-political order of the Federal Republic had been challenged by the student revolt, and its impact was felt particularly strongly at the Free University Berlin where Löwenthal, born in 1908, had been professor of International Relations since the early 1960s. West Germany’s intellectual foundation had been attacked, and for someone like Löwenthal who had experienced the demise of Germany’s first experiment in liberal democracy, it seemed as though Weimar’s shadows were hanging over the Federal Republic deeper than ever before. The fateful tradition of German romanticism, “anti-liberal and anti-Western” as he put it, appeared to have resurfaced once again. This time, however, it was not outright authoritarianism, but a leftist renaissance of romantic-utopian thought that haunted the “second republic”. [...]

  • von Ruediger vom Bruch

    Wahrlich, international war die Gelehrtenrepublik vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Man kannte sich, man las einander, korrespondierte miteinander, Fremdsprachen bildeten keine Barriere. Man traf sich auf internationalen Kongressen, publizierte in den gleichen Zeitschriften, beteiligte sich an Besuchsprogrammen wie etwa dem deutsch-amerikanischen Professorenaustausch, bei dem der deutsche Kaiser Wilhelm II. als Schirmherr den amerikanischen Präsidenten Roosevelt 1910 als Redner in Berlin begrüßte.[...]