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  • 1. On the establishment of the present regime in Germany in the spring of 1933 and the dismissal or putting into retirement of a number of distinguished university teachers, either on grounds of opinion or on grounds of race, the Academic Assistance Council was formed (in May 1933) with a view to finding for those so displaced opportunities of continuing their scientific work in various institutions in this country or elsewhere. [...]

  • a) Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung des Kulturwissenschaftlers Die Berufsbezeichnung „Kulturwissenschaftler“ kennzeichnet Kulturfunktionäre mit Hochschulabschluß (Diplomanden der Fachrichtung Kulturpolitik und Ästhetik der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Universitäten). Der Kulturwissenschaftler hilft die großen Aufgaben der sozialistischen Revolution im Bereich der Ideologie und Kultur durchführen, wirkt wesentlich an der geistigen Formung des neuen Menschen und der Herausbildung der sozialistischen Nationalkultur. [...]

  • Herbert Marcuse: I am very happy to see so many flowers here, and that is why I want to remind you that flowers, by themselves, have no power whatsoever, other than the power of men and women who protect them and take care of them against aggression and destruction. As a hopeless philosopher from whom philosophy has become inseparable from politics, I am afraid I have to give here today a rather a rather philosophical speech and I must ask your indulgence for it. We are dealing with the dialectics of liberation. Actually redundant, because I believe that all dialectic is liberation, and not only liberation in an intellectual sense, but liberation involving the mind and the body, liberation involving the entire human existence. Now as to today and our own situation. I think we are faced with a novel situation in wisdom, because today we have to be liberated from a relatively well-functioning, rich powerful society. [...]

  • Europa – wenn wir diesen Namen aussprechen, denken wir nicht an einen Kontinent, nicht an diesen kleinen Ausläufer Asiens: genausowenig denken wir an dieses oder jenes Volk, an sechs oder zehn Staaten Europas. Europa, das bedeutet vor allem eine Geisteshaltung, ein besonderes Verhältnis zu den Dingen.[...]