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  • [I]f we look at the parts of cities most literally attractive – i.e., those that literally attract people, in the flesh – we find that these fortunate localities are seldom in the zones immediately adjoining massive single uses. [...]

  • Shortly after one o’clock, the assembled guests sat down to a sumptuous dejeuner à la fourchette, with champagne and other choice wines, servers by Messieurs Vallauri, the Pera confectioners, on several elegantly arranged tables on both sides of the Pera station. At the dessert, Mr. Albert, the general manager, proposed “The Health of His Imperial Majesty Sultan Abdul-Aziz.”

  • Wie ich Paris kennen- und lieben lernte, dies möchte ich Ihnen in gebotener Kürze berichten. Seien Sie versichert, ich werde weder von der politischen noch von der ökonomischen Bedeutung von Paris sprechen. Dafür wäre ich nicht der Richtige.[...]

  • Comment j’ai appris à connaître et aimer Paris, c’est ce que je voudrais vous dire pas trop longuement. Rassurez-vous, je ne vous parlerai ni du rôle politique ni du rôle économique de Paris; je ne serais pas pertinent.[...]

  • Our age is preeminently the age of great cities. Babylon and Thebes, Carthage and Rome, were great cities, but the world has never been so covered with cities as at the present time. [...] [p. 1] Yes, cities, and their resources, must soon become, in a greater degree than ever, the acknow­ledged wealth and power of nations.[...]