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  • Die Heartland-Theorie des britischen Geografen Halford J. Mackinder ist eines der bedeutendsten geostrategischen Konzepte, das kontinuierlich bis in die Gegenwart hinein als Erklärungsmuster herangezogen wird, um geopolitische Ambitionen einzelner Staaten oder Konflikte im globalen Kontext zu deuten.

  • Am 16. Juli 1974 stand der amerikanische Baptisten-Pastor und Evangelist Billy Graham (1918–2018) vor knapp zweieinhalbtausend Delegierten und über tausend weiteren Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörern aus 150 Ländern und hielt die am aufwändigsten vorbereitete Rede seines Lebens. Es handelte sich um den Eröffnungsvortrag des Internationalen Kongresses für Weltevangelisation im schweizerischen Lausanne. „Why Lausanne?“ hieß Grahams Vortrag, in dem er theologische Grundlinien und inhaltliche Ziele für den zehntägigen Kongress formulierte.

  • When the work of the Foundation began five years ago the trustees found themselves intrusted with an endowment to be expended for the benefit of teachers in the colleges and universities of the United States, Canada, and Newfoundland. It required but the briefest examination to show that amongst the thousand institutions in English-speaking North America which bore the name college or university there was little unity of purpose or of standards. A large majority of all the institutions in the United States bearing the name college were really concerned with secondary education. Under these conditions the trustees felt themselves compelled to begin a critical study of the work of the college and of the university in different parts of this wide area, and to commend to colleges and universities the adoption of such standards as would intelligently relate the college to the secondary school and to the university. [...]

  • London, July 28. – Important increases in European operations of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace were made known today by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University, President of the Endowment, before sailing for New York from Southampton on the Majestic. Dr. Butler has spent two months in Europe, chiefly in Paris, Berlin and London, in the interest of the Endowment. He has been in conference with many leaders in public life and in the intellectual world with a view to obtain suggestions and cooperation.The new Carnegie plans are designed to strengthen the work of international good-will already being carried on in Europe, especially in France, Germany and Austria, in which countries systematic courses of lectures to be given. [...]

  • On former occasions we have expressed our approbation of the plan of this popular work, and our satisfaction with the general execution. The present volume, just issued from the press, contains, among the additions by the American editors, biographical notices of James Monroe, Gen. Richard Montgomery, Gen. Daniel Morgan, William Morgan, Robert Morris, Gouverneur Morris, Gen. William Moultrie, William Vans Murray, James Otis, Robert Treat Paine, Theophilus Parsons, and C.W. Peale (the founder of the Philadelphia Museum.) It is to be regretted that the department of American Biography presents generally only a few meager details.[...]

  • Der Ursprung meiner Familie ist unklar. Der Familienüberlieferung nach stammte sie vom montenegrinischen Stamm der Piperi, aber topographische und ethnographische Daten legen nahe, das sie sich von Stamm der Drobnjaci herleitete.[...]

  • My family's history is obscure. According to legend, the family came from the Montenegrin tribe of Piperi, though the toponymic and ethnographic data suggest that it may have descended from the tribe of Drobnjaci. The legend tells how one Gajun Vucinich murdered a Turk, sometime late in the eighteenth century, and escaped to avoid Turkish reprisal.[...]

  • Viel wichtiger sind für unsere Betrachtungen diejenigen Vorgänge universaler Beziehungen, in denen es gelingt, tatsächliche starke Einflüsse einer bestimmten menschlichen Gemeinschaft einer anderen innerhalb ihres menschlich verlaufenden Entwicklungsprozesses als in ständiger Entwicklung fortdauernd einzuimpfen.[...]

  • The world has just passed through an agony of pain compared to which the French Revolution was a mere incident. The shock has been so great that it has killed the last spark of hope in the breasts of million of men. They were chanting a hymn of progress, and four years of slaughter followed their prayers for peace. “Is it worth while,” so they ask, “to work and slave for the benefit of creatures who have not yet passed beyond the stage of the earliest cave men?” [...]

  • La conférence, Considérant l’identité des principes généraux qui dominent et des buts vers lesquels tendent la Convention de Berne, revisée à Berlin puis à Rome, et la Convention signée par les États américains à Buenos-Ayres en 1910 puis revisée à La Havane en février 1928; [...]

  • Die Konferenz hat in Erwägung gezogen, dass die Berner Konvention, revidiert in Berlin und dann in Rom, und die von den amerikanischen Staaten im Jahre 1910 in Buenos Aires unterzeichnete und später im Februar 1928 in Havanna revidierte Konvention in den wesentlichen Grundzügen und Zielen identisch sind; [...]

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