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  • „Die öffentliche Meinung, die leicht Analogien bildet und Vergleiche zieht, hat die Raserei Bertrands vor allem mit jener des Vampirismus verbunden; aber, abgesehen von der Schändung der Gräber und der Verstümmelung der Leichen, haben diese beiden Arten der geistigen Umnachtung absolut keinerlei Gemeinsamkeiten.

  • When the work of the Foundation began five years ago the trustees found themselves intrusted with an endowment to be expended for the benefit of teachers in the colleges and universities of the United States, Canada, and Newfoundland. It required but the briefest examination to show that amongst the thousand institutions in English-speaking North America which bore the name college or university there was little unity of purpose or of standards. A large majority of all the institutions in the United States bearing the name college were really concerned with secondary education. Under these conditions the trustees felt themselves compelled to begin a critical study of the work of the college and of the university in different parts of this wide area, and to commend to colleges and universities the adoption of such standards as would intelligently relate the college to the secondary school and to the university. [...]

  • Die Anzweiflung des Geistes-Zustandes in schwebenden Prozeß-Verfahren nimmt immer mehr überhand. Wie vor kurzem bei Gelegenheit einer 'Geisteszusstand Untersuchung' der Geh. Medizinalrath Sander betonte, genügt für das Gericht der von irgend einer Seite erhobene Zweifel an der Zurechnungsfähigkeit eines Angeschuldigten, dessen Unterbringung in eine öffentliche Irren-Anstalt bis zu 6 Wochen beschließen zu können (§ 81 St.-P.-O.). Daß dieser Antrag formell von 'Sachverständigen' gestellt werden soll, erschwert die Sache keineswegs, denn die in den meisten heutigen Straf-Prozessen in Bereitschaft befindlichen psychiatrischen Gerichtsärzte werden sammt und sonders erklären, wenn sie gefragt werden, ob sie die geistige Gesundheit des Angeschuldigten konstatiren können, daß sie dazu nicht im Stande seien ohne längere Beobachtung.[...]

  • Herbert Marcuse: I am very happy to see so many flowers here, and that is why I want to remind you that flowers, by themselves, have no power whatsoever, other than the power of men and women who protect them and take care of them against aggression and destruction. As a hopeless philosopher from whom philosophy has become inseparable from politics, I am afraid I have to give here today a rather a rather philosophical speech and I must ask your indulgence for it. We are dealing with the dialectics of liberation. Actually redundant, because I believe that all dialectic is liberation, and not only liberation in an intellectual sense, but liberation involving the mind and the body, liberation involving the entire human existence. Now as to today and our own situation. I think we are faced with a novel situation in wisdom, because today we have to be liberated from a relatively well-functioning, rich powerful society. [...]