General Terms of Use and Copyright Regulations of the European History Web Portal

If you wish to reprint a contribution of the European History Web Portal, you need the permission of both the author and the editorial staff. The editors advise that, rather than reprinting the full text, you only publish excerpts from the text, followed by the correct reference to the original publication. This also applies to social networks. In this way, the circulation of several versions of the text can be avoided. Multiple publications of texts (duplicate content) can lead to a lower ranking in search engines for all versions, as the search engine cannot easily identify the original publication.<

1. 'Original contributions' of the web portal European History


The copyright of essays and all other texts and multimedia materials created for publication on the European History Web Portal and with the direct involvement of the editorial team remains with the author of said contribution.


Authors of the contributions mentioned under 1.1. grant Clio-online as associated partner a right to use the contributions in electronic and non-electronic form. This right includes all future and present forms of use intended by Clio-online. This right of use is unrestricted and independent of all other uses that an author intends to make of his/her contribution. This right of use is binding for all authors who submit their original contributions immediately once they are announced on the website of the European History Web Portal.


Use of the contributions mentioned under 1.1. by current or future cooperation partners of Clio-online may take place with exact mentioning of the author, the holder of the right of use (Clio-online) and the date of first publication on the European History Web Portal. If necessary, reference should be made to other cooperation partners. Therefore, it is important to maintain the exact wording of the notice on copyright and right of use, which is indicated on all publications of the Web Portal European History that are to be considered "original contributions"

Copyright (c) [year] by Clio-online, [possibly cooperation partner], and the author, all rights reserved. This work may be copied and redistributed for non-commercial, educational purposes, if permission is granted by the author and usage right holders. For permission please


Written permission must be obtained from the editors of the Web Portal European History, the author and any cooperation partners involved for the use of the contributions mentioned under 1.1. by third parties. A copyright notice, in accordance with the model under 1.3, must be included.

2. Reprints


When publishing texts or materials that have already appeared elsewhere, the editors of the European History Web Portal will endeavour to obtain explicit permission from an author or rights holder. The copyright of third parties is referred to with the following note:<

Published with friendly permission by [XXXX], all rights reserved. This work may be copied and redistributed for non-commercial, educational purposes, if permission is granted by the author and [XXXX]. For more information please contact

3. General Information


Clio-online reserves the right to take legal action in the event of a breach of these provisions.


The texts published by the European History Web Portal (essays, sources, thematic focuses) do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publishers and the editorial team. The author of the contribution is responsible for the content. The author(s) should only provide contributions (articles, reviews, news, etc.) that have been written in compliance with the usual ethical requirements in the sciences and vouch for the observance of copyright and plagiarism protection.


The Web Portal European History is part of the cooperation project Clio-online which is based at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The General Terms and Conditions apply.