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  • von Maximilian Buschmann

    Am 9. Juli 1909 verbreitete sich eine Nachricht aus dem berüchtigten Londoner Frauengefängnis Holloway weit über die britischen Inseln hinaus. Nach 91 Stunden im Hungerstreik wurde Marion Wallace Dunlop, die Anerkennung als politische Gefangene einforderte, vorzeitig entlassen. Ihre einmonatige Haftstrafe wegen unerlaubten Plakatierens endete bereits nach fünf Tagen. In Votes for Women, der Wochenzeitung der militantesten Organisation der britischen Frauenbewegung, Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), hieß es: „At last the Authorities had to give way. [...]

  • von Marynel Ryan Van Zee

    The 1980s and 1990s saw a flurry of interest in the history of the professions among historians and historical sociologists. Moving beyond studies of individual professions, an international group of scholars attempted to specify both the similarities and differences among multiple national contexts, and to establish a terminology that could be used across them to identify what counted as a “profession.” As part of that effort, the German historians Kocka and Conze have defined it as “a largely non-manual, full time occupation whose practice presupposes specialized, systematic and scholarly training.” Access to professions typically “depends upon passing certain examinations which entitle to titles and diplomas.” Professions “tend to demand a monopoly of services as well as freedom from control by others such as laymen, the state, etc.” [...]