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  • von Clara M. Frysztacka

    „‚Trajectorism‘ is the great narrative trap of the West and is also, like all great myths, the secret of its successes in industry, empire and world conquest.“ Die Quintessenz der westlichen Epistemologie bestehe, so Arjun Appadurai, in Zielgerichtetheit: Sie sichere den Erfolg des (west-)europäischen Zivilisationsmodells, stelle aber zugleich die größte „Falle“ des (west-)europäischen Selbstverständnisses dar. Appadurai nennt „trajectorism“ das, was andere ForscherInnen als Teleologie bezeichnen. Er versteht darunter die Auffassung der Zeit als einem Pfeil, der in eine präzise Richtung zeigt, sowie von historischen Prozessen und von der Geschichte selbst als Träger eines einheitlichen Telos.

  • von Ann Taylor Allen

    Although European history is in many ways the best known of the world's histories, the concept on which it is based—that of Europe—remains largely unexamined. North American colleges and universities have traditionally included European history in a general concept of "Western Civilization," which is assumed to be the source of norms and institutions—representative government, Judeo-Christian religion, scientific objectivity, to name just a few—that are common to Americans and Europeans. The textbooks and syllabi of these courses seldom inquire to what extent these shared traditions were indeed "European"—that is, typical of Europe as a whole, or only of certain times and places. In Europe itself, historians focus chiefly on national narratives, seldom asking how, or even if, these diverse narratives constituted a "European" history. Most early historians of women and gender, though they questioned many conventions of their discipline, preserved these. [...]