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  • On 14 August 1941 US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill made the following declaration of “certain common principles in the national policies of their respective countries on which they base their hopes for a better future of the world.” [...]

  • Es ist mir eine Ehre und wirklich eine große Freude, bei Ihnen zu sein. Nichts könnte angenehmer, ermutigender und bedeutender sein als dieses Zusammentreffen freier Geister in der Hauptstadt der Welt – ein Treffen von geistig tätigen Menschen, die alle für die Demokratie kämpfen. Ich werde dieses Bild vom XVII. Internationalen P.E.N.-Kongreß mit mir nach Amerika nehmen, und wann immer die Krakeelerei von Mr. Lindbergh und Mr. Wheeler mich während meiner nächsten Vortragsreise stören und behaupten, daß Hitler schließlich den Kontinent geeint habe und daß Deutschland Europa sei, werde ich an Sie denken und sagen: «Wie kann Deutschland behaupten, Europa zu sein, wenn ich mit eigenen Augen gesehen habe, daß Europa in London ist?» [...]

  • A segregated Germany, which developed in a manner unrelated to Western Europe would constitute a danger to Western Europe and our objectives. Economically, the interrelationship of Germany and the rest of Western Europe is so close and Germany’s economic potential so great that if it were again to pursue a policy of seeking only its own economic well-being and the greatest degree of autarchy, it might well dominate Western Europe.[...]

  • The object of this Company is to realise the rights granted by the Government of Ecuador, to the holders of its Land Warrants, by obtaining possession of the lands allotted by that Government in discharge of its obligations, and developing their varied resources for the benefit of the Company. These lands offer a vast field for enterprise, as well in the cultivation of a rich and fertile soil, yielding in abundance Timber, Tobacco, Maize, Quinine, Cotton, Wheat, Cocoa, Coffee, Vanilla, Panama Straw, India-Rubber, and Cochineal, as in the exploration of the Gold, Silver, Quicksilver, Copper, and Emerald Mines, abounding in those parts. [...]

  • The undersigned writers, comprising amongst them men and women of the most divergent political and social views, some of them having been for years ardent champions of good will towards Germany, and many of the extreme advocates of peace, are nevertheless agreed that Great Britain could not without dishonour have refused to take part in the present war. [...]