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  • Meine Damen und Herren! Ich übernehme diese mir zuteil gewordene Ehrung als eine Ehrung des Württembergischen Bundes für Heimatschutz und als eine Ehrung des Landes, in welchem dieser Kongreß tagt und das sich außerordentlich freut, daß ihm die Auszeichnung zuteil geworden ist, den Zweiten Internationalen Kongreß für Heimatschutz in Stuttgart empfangen zu dürfen. […]

  • The term "National Park" has a different meaning in Europe from its connotation in America. There it usually signifies an area set aside for educational or scientific purposes, rather than for recreation. The reserves here discussed were, almost without exception, proposed and fostered by scientists; but prominent men of affairs also were interested and their influence often was essential to realization of the project. In certain important reserves (Switzerland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden) the lead was taken by organizations corresponding to our National Academy of Sciences, and these still have more or less control, especially as regards research. Popular interest in protection of rare animals and plants is always noticeable and touring organizations have sometimes been keenly active (especially in Italy). [...]