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  • Working Men! To you I dedicate a work, in which I have tried to lay before my German Countrymen a faithful picture of your condition, of your sufferings and struggles, of your hopes and prospects. I have lived long enough amidst you to know something about your circumstances; I have devoted to their knowledge my most serious attention, I have studied the various official and non-official documents as far as I was able to get hold of them - I have not been satisfied with this, I wanted more than a mere abstract knowledge of my subject, I wanted to see you in your own homes, to observe you in your every-day life, to chat with you on your condition and grievances, to witness your struggles against the social and political power of your oppressors.[...]

  • Sir, – I observe that the Post Office clerks who have charge of the telegraphs have been holding a meeting to suggest improvements in the conduct of the service. To judge by my experience, there are some improvements they might contrive to introduce without any such ceremony; and it may be useful if you will let me give your readers an instance of the manner in which telegraphic business is now conducted in the City of London. [...]

  • As I pass through the wide streets, I am delighted with everything I see. The houses so lofty and clean, and white, the novel appearance of the trees planted along the pavements, the fine buildings, the massive bronze lamps, and the magnificent cafés, the tinkling of bells on the horses, so singular to my ear. […]