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  • Die Deutsche Zentralverwaltung für Volksbildung in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone fordert alle von den Nazis in den Jahren 33 bis 45 vom Lehreramt [sic] entfernten Professoren, Dozenten und Assistenten deutscher Hochschulen auf, sich zu ihrer Erfassung schriftlich bei der Abteilung Hochschulen und Wissenschaft der Deutschen Zentralverwaltung für Volksbildung in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone zu melden. Es wird gebeten, kurz anzugeben, an welcher Hochschule und in welcher Stellung zuletzt die akademische Lehrtätigkeit ausgeübt wurde und aus welchem Grunde die Entlassung erfolgte. [...]

  • When the work of the Foundation began five years ago the trustees found themselves intrusted with an endowment to be expended for the benefit of teachers in the colleges and universities of the United States, Canada, and Newfoundland. It required but the briefest examination to show that amongst the thousand institutions in English-speaking North America which bore the name college or university there was little unity of purpose or of standards. A large majority of all the institutions in the United States bearing the name college were really concerned with secondary education. Under these conditions the trustees felt themselves compelled to begin a critical study of the work of the college and of the university in different parts of this wide area, and to commend to colleges and universities the adoption of such standards as would intelligently relate the college to the secondary school and to the university. [...]

  • The undersigned writers, comprising amongst them men and women of the most divergent political and social views, some of them having been for years ardent champions of good will towards Germany, and many of the extreme advocates of peace, are nevertheless agreed that Great Britain could not without dishonour have refused to take part in the present war. [...]