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  • Bei der Compañía Guipuzcoana handelt es sich um eine baskische Handelskompanie, die im 18. Jahrhundert das Monopol auf den Handel zwischen der Kolonie Venezuela und dem Mutterland Spanien inne hatte.

  • Verehrtes Fräulein Also seit 2 Monaten an der Grenze des eigentlichen Abissien [sic!], in einer Strohhütte – Ziegenmilch, Bohnen, Milch u[nd] Fleisch (fr)essend – vor lauter Langeweile bis zum Excess fleißig in Astrologie etc. u[nd] noch nicht wissend, wie lange noch (resp. bis ein Antwort vom Keiser an den […] H[errn] Br[uder] geschrieben, zu uns gelangt). Klima ist nicht unrecht, Gegend auch nicht, aber unter diese[r] hundechristlichen [sic!] Bagage zw[ischen] Abyssien u[nd] Boghorly freiwillig zu wohnen, möchte ich nicht wählen. Ich bin stolz darauf kein Wort in der Landessprache gelernt zu haben u[nd] ich finde es wohltuend nicht zu verstehen was die Kerl reden. [...]

  • Sir, I have the honour to request, that you will be pleased to favour the committee now sitting to investigate the grievances connected with the lands of the colony, with your reply to the following queries. The committee will be obliged by your returning an answer at your earliest convenience, addressed to the Chairman of the Committee, Council Chamber, under cover to the Clerk of the Legislative Council. I have &c. (signed) WM. MACPHERSON, Clerk of the Legislative Council. [...]

  • The object of this Company is to realise the rights granted by the Government of Ecuador, to the holders of its Land Warrants, by obtaining possession of the lands allotted by that Government in discharge of its obligations, and developing their varied resources for the benefit of the Company. These lands offer a vast field for enterprise, as well in the cultivation of a rich and fertile soil, yielding in abundance Timber, Tobacco, Maize, Quinine, Cotton, Wheat, Cocoa, Coffee, Vanilla, Panama Straw, India-Rubber, and Cochineal, as in the exploration of the Gold, Silver, Quicksilver, Copper, and Emerald Mines, abounding in those parts. [...]

  • To place certain restrictions on Immigration and to provide for the removal from the Commonwealth of prohibited Immigrants. [Assented to 23rd December 1901] […] 3. The immigration into the Commonwealth of the persons described in any of the following paragraphs of this section (herein-after called “prohibited immigrants”) is prohibited, namely: a) Any person who when asked to do so by an officer fails to write out at dictation and sign in the presence of the officer a passage of fifty words in length in an European language directed by the officer; (b) any person likely in the opinion of the Minister or of an officer to become a charge upon the public or upon any public or charitable institution;(c) any idiot or insane person [...]

  • Das „Indo-Problem“ könnte wie folgt dargestellt werden: Haben die Indo-Europäer hier zu Lande, zumindest ein Teil von ihnen, eine Zukunft als separate Gruppe, einerseits mit der indonesischen Bevölkerung zusammenlebend, andererseits aber nicht in dieser aufgehend?[...]

  • [...] The English have not taken India, we have given it to them. They are not in India because of their strength, but because we keep them. Let us now see whether this proposition can be sustained. They came to our country originally for purposes of trade. [...]