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  • 3.1 The aims towards which the City Council should direct its investment in arts festivals relate to the principles and priorities set out in the report entitled „An Arts Strategy for Birmingham“ which your Sub-Committee is also considering at today’s meeting. It is proposed that these two reports together form the background for a future strategy for arts festivals in Birmingham. [...]

  • The F.I.F.A. Congress in Rome has proved the absolute necessity for strengthening the continent Organisations by clearly defining their relationship with F.I.F.A. and the National Associations: to solve these questions the Congress extraordinary in London in 1961 must prove both dedicated and decisive.[...]

  • […] Die [FIFA-]Generalversammlung der nationalen Fußballverbände ist heute eine zweitrangige Veranstaltung, deren wichtigste Aufgabe neben der Wahl des Verbandspräsidenten die Vergabe der Weltmeisterschaft und die Anpassung der Statuten im Hinblick auf interkontinentale Angelegenheiten......