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  • (1) My purpose in this address is to set forth […] the marked merits, and the no less patent defects, of the present system of legal study, and to show what is the field which this system leaves open for professorial and academical teaching. (2) The prevailing method of reading in chambers is […] a method of instruction which would strike a foreigner as strange […]. When a student “reading for the bar” enters the chambers of a barrister […] the [barrister] does not in any way undertake to teach. Our student pays a hundred guineas, and the barrister undertakes that his pupil shall see all the work that goes on in chambers, and have an opportunity of trying his own hand at doing it […]. What teaching (if any) he may obtain is a matter of chance […]. Our young man reading for the bar […] [if] he is to learn law, he must pick it up for himself […]. The oddity of the thing is, that he after all gets in due time, mainly by the process of imitation, to make pretty tolerable bricks […]. [...]

  • Dispositions Générales Art. 1er l’Ecole existante dans le local du ci devant Gymnase Laurentien à Cologne, Departement de la Roer, prendra à l’avenir le titre d’Ecole secondaire communale de premier dégré II. Independamment de cette école, il en sera établi une autre sous le nom d’Ecole secondaire communale de second dégré. Le batiment et dépendances du collège des Jesuites du ci-devant couvent de St. Maximin sont concédé à la Ville de Cologne pour l’usage de cette école [...]